10 Under Ten
We are excited to announce two of our Page members have been recognized by the 2015 Young Architecture Forum (YAF) in the 10 Under Ten design competition. Page associate principal and senior design architect Josh Coleman, AIA, was selected as one of the winners for his entry focusing on the lessons learned from unrealized projects that were subsequently applied to successful projects. Page designer Ricardo Munoz, AIA, was also acknowledged with an honorable mention.
Josh explains the work he submitted to YAF, pictured in the image gallery:
The Unreal and the All-Too-Real
When trying to characterize the formative years of my architectural career, it seems as though they can quite easily fall into two main categories. There are some exceptions of course, but generally the early years are best described as the Unreal projects and the most recent (and current) would fall into the All-Too-Real. While you can probably guess as to what each category really represents, I think the following statement best describes the journey taken:
Architects build – and draw. While we always hope that our creations and efforts yield something real and physical that can truly impact the public realm, we all know that sometimes they remain theoretical exercises - unless you chose not to carry forward those lessons learned. The Unreal projects early in my career have had a profound influence on the ones that have (or will be) built. However, the All-Too-Real projects are the ones that remind you that we haven’t figured it all out yet.
Of the ten images above, the first five are representative of the unbuilt projects and the last five slides are the ones that are gratefully underway – with some almost complete.
The American Institute of Architects (AIA) and the College of Fellows (COF) created the YAF program to provide professional growth and leadership development to recently licensed architects. Their 10 Under Ten competition gives young architects with ten years of experience or less the chance to showcase their portfolios. This year the YAF received the most entries in the history of the competition after extending the opportunity from Dallas to all eligible architects in Texas.
Josh’s work, pictured in the above gallery, will be displayed at the Dallas Center for Architecture and at the 2015 Texas Architects Convention in Dallas along with the other winning submissions,
For more information and to review the complete list of 10 Under Ten Competition winners click here.