AIA Emerging Professionals: Conversations with Architects
Calling all AIA Emerging Professionals who will be in Austin on Wednesday, March 25! Page is hosting this event at our office on 400 W. Cesar Chavez Street, Fifth Floor.
Join the conversation with some of Austin's most respected architects as they participate in a casual thematic dialogue intended to reflect on topics of particular interest to architects and designers early in their career.
The event will focus on the theme of women and minorities in architecture. Examples of conversation topics are: How are minorities viewed in a leadership role? What's it like to be the only one in the room? How can we encourage more women and minorities to join the profession and how do we keep them there? When do we all become simply "architects?"
Page Principal Wendy Dunnam Tita is an AIA Austin Board Member and sponsors the Emerging Professionals committee as well as the Fellowships committee. Garage parking is available via San Antonio Street.
For more information about the event or to RSVP, visit AIA Austin here.