Interns Brave the Heat at 70 Rainey Project
Last week Page hosted six interns participating in the DV3x2 Internship Program sponsored by AIA Austin’s Design Voice Committee. The interns’ visit began with an introduction to graphic design and branding by Pagers Erin West and Molly Dyal, as well as a tour of the Page office. The group then ventured into the 100+ degree heat to tour our 70 Rainey project downtown. Pagers Brandon Townsend and Shelby Blessing shared an overview of key design concepts, and our partners at Flintco joined us to talk about the construction of the 34-story mixed-use residential tower.
Established in 2009, the DV3x2 program gives high school students interested in design a glimpse into the daily lives of architects and designers working in professional practice. Participants intern at a minimum of three different local firms for one week. At each firm, interns shadow designers and ideally visit a project site. Page is proud to introduce young people to the profession and share our work with them.
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